Fair Point Podcast Wikia

Steve "The Hyped Cheeze-Head" Humphrey.

Steve Humphrey is a YouTube vlogger, rapper, and frequent guest host of Silph Radio: A Pokémon Podcast and Fair Enough Podcast. He has also been known as The Hyped Cheeze-Head and The Legendary Super Steven. He was killed by Xenu, but has since appeared in at least one episode of Silph Radio. It is currently unknown whether this is a result of time travel, resurrection, or something else altogether.


Steve Humphrey is a football fanatic and loyal Green Bay Packers fan.  When he heard about Xenu's plan to destroy Wisconsin, he personally traveled to Mars and confronted him.  He revealed his Legendary Super Steven form, which dramatically increased his power and caused a foam cheese-hat to materialize on his head.  Steve sacrificed himself in a massive explosion by using the technique "Self Destruct," destroying Xenu, The Klaus Army, and the Deus Ex Machina in the process.  His death was apparently a part of Phil Cobb's ultimate secret plan.

Since his death, he has appeared on Silph Radio.  However, his death was not mentioned.  It is currently unknown whether this is a result of time travel, resurrection, or something else altogether.

Behind The Scenes[]


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